Chancery Lane, Christ Church, Barbados


Social Media Consultation & Digital Marketing Service Provider

Social Media for Business

Social Media for Business is more than a marketing tool. Social media offers many benefits to business owners; it allows direct access to the world, and by extension the world has access to them. This direct access requires a strategy and management.

Businesses should consider foremost, how they will use social media internally. Like any business tool it will require a budget. How will your digital presence impact your staff? Who’s doing what and when? Consider next your respective regulators, service partners, and competitors. This framework determines how the business will attract and engage with customers.

  • Consultation
  • Management & Support
  • Social Media Strategy

Digital Marketing & Social Media Training

  • City & Guilds Diploma in Digital Marketing
  • City & Guilds Diploma in Social Media
  • City & Guilds Certificate in Social Media
  • On Demand Short Courses
Corporate Programs
  • On Site Workshops
  • Customized Content

Digital Marketing

How do you decide which resources to use for your business? How do you to manage it all? The range of digital marketing options seems limitless, and with good reason. While choosing from the various methods available can be daunting, it is necessary for your business to be seen by your prospective customers.

  • Online Marketing Solutions
  • Paid Social Media Advertising
  • Targeted Campaigns
    • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
    • Audience Building / Brand Awareness / Reach
  • Banner Advertising
  • Editorial Advertising
Social Media for Business

Web Design & Support

Our qualified and experienced team provides high quality website design, development and support. We can deliver websites built on a variety of available CMS options, or create bespoke solutions to meet your specifications.

Reliable and accessible website and email hosting services are vital to your business’ digital presence. Affordable local hosting solutions will maximize your website’s up time and accessibility.

  • Website Development / Web Hosting / Email hosting
  • Front End Management / Back End Management
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Copy Writing / Photography / Graphic Design

Business Development

Your digital footprint should have a defined purpose. Our growing network connects businesses and entrepreneurs around the world. Our purpose is to build relationships and create opportunities within that network. This is our purpose.

  • Lead Generation
  • Professional Services
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