Digital Transformation
Today’s storefront is digital and social media is the doorway to our businesses. This is where we welcome and engage our existing clients, attract new business, and interact with our service providers and industry partners.
Planning is Key
Managing a small business is challenging. With so many moving parts, all of which require attention to keep the enterprise ticking over, inevitably some things become overwhelming and can negatively impact the operation. Business plans identify the appropriate resources (internal or external) assigned to manage specific areas of the business. This may not be needed in the initial stages, however as the business grows there should be a predetermined point where business functions are be delegated or outsourced to preserve the focus on core deliverables.
Production, whatever the commodity or service follows the same basic principles; businesses of all sizes adhere to protocols and are subject to regulation. Human and capital resources must be managed efficiently, records must be kept accounts maintained. All facets should be optimized to achieve a return on investment; digital resources are no different.
Consider the Options
Seek a qualified professional to create and manage your social media strategy. Engage a consultant periodically audit and guide the process. Social media is now a business resource and should be treated as such. Time and effort are invested in maintaining social profiles created for business require research and analysis to gain a return on that investment.